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The South Side QFC
is Open for Registration!

A convergence for Queer & Trans Black, Indigenous, and Farmers of Color happening outside of Hempstead, Texas Oct 11-13!


The Queer Farmer Network is excited to announce its first ever southern convergence!


The South Side QFC will be held at Lillyland Farms in Hempstead, TX on Black-owned land and is open to all QTBIPOC farmers and land stewards. Whether you’re actively farming, agro-curious or simply wanting to connect with the land, this space is for you.


QFC attendees will be able to enjoy a weekend of aromatic and eco crafts, workshops, release, community, and too much more. Come gather with us on Indigenous People’s Day weekend (October 11-13) to learn, play, rest, fellowship and be held by the land.


Please note, this QFC is open to QTBIPOC only and is not a space for white farmers. 


Registration is free and travel stipends are available to those who need them. Southern-based participants will be prioritized in the application process! 


Applications close September 9.  The application form is phase 1 of the registration process. Attendees will be notified when their application has been selected and given phase 2 to complete registration.​

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